Over 80% of the energy services required for the surgery is generated by a combination of integrated geothermal and road energy systems and therefore the building has no conventional gas supply.
Other low carbon features include a sedum room, natural ventilation and sun pipes coupled with active artificial lighting control to deliver the “green” brief of the Client.
The former brown field site is in the centre of a former mining village and was developed by the General Practitioners to provide a comprehensive range of healing services. The building has significantly enhanced the streetscape by combining the striking and inviting architectural composition with an urban garden to the main entrance. Internally the building wraps around a sculptured courtyard and incorporates extensive original artwork commissioned for the project. The striking interior design supports the emotional as well as the physical well being of both patients and staff.
The three storey premises is on a split level site enabling the building to be managed as a whole but also be divided into discreet suites to support the requirements of the doctors surgery, dental surgery, speech and language therapy suite, Pharmacy and the Primary Care Trust facilities.
Winner of The Journal Landmark Sustainability Award 2008 & RICS Renaissance Community Awards 2009.
Sustainability Credentials (Stage 7)
Medical centre making use of a GSHP built under the car park. High insulation levels to the building and use of ecology green roofs to the building.
#GSHP #Green Roof #Health and Wellbeing