Lambeth Academy is a new build project on a very small inner London City site surrounded by large quality houses, an industrial user and a challenging residential high rise estate.
The design maximises site use with 3 storeys of teaching accommodation . The sports hall was moved to the first floor to create additional external play area, with a covered play area beneath the sports hall. The design is inspired by a ‘fibonacci ‘curve which forms the shape of the atrium. The stone main entrance walls form “pages of a book” which maximises privacy to the adjacent areas and provides a dramatic entrance and heart to the school.
The school services a diverse local catchment including a primary school for the partially sighted as well as a high number of physically disabled students. Community use was central to the education and design ethos. Direct and secure access is provided to sports, music, IT, performance halls and diner.
The Scheme is included as an Exemplar scheme within CABE’s own publications.